We have been using Milling System technology since 2005, and we are proud to have prepared 7,000 parts already.
Zirconium dioxide
Zirkon Zahn Milling System technology
suitable for the preparation of crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, implant heads, ceramic veneers
Stump preparation
possible to be prepared for both tangential and shoulder preparation.
Zirconium dioxide stabilized by yttrium and pre-sintered (green)
Solidity: 1,200MPa
Perfect peripheral seal
Bio compatibility
Natural transparency, perfect aesthetic effect, frame coloured in Vita colours, NOT WHITE.
Maximum accuracy
Divergences and convergences between stumps may be prepared by the Milling System technology, due to the 360 degree horizontal and vertical adjustment option.
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The prepared zirconium frames are veneered by Zirkon Zahn Ice porcelain material, in classic Vita tooth colours.